NSRVCS Newsletter - April 17, 2021


River valley clean up effort gaining momentum online
When Ryan Haworth returned to Edmonton less than two months ago, he wanted to find a healthy way to create a close bond with his hometown. He soon found a worthy cause in Edmonton's river valley.

Haworth came across a Reddit post a couple of weeks ago complaining about how much garbage was in the river valley and he decided to do something about it. In less than two weeks, this has led to a group of just under 50 Edmontonians organizing clean-up efforts around the area.

While the size of the park can seem intimidating, taking on the task of cleaning it isn't difficult, Haworth said. "It's a big job for me to go and try and do it on a Thursday. But if you have a million people in the greater Edmonton area, only 50 to 200 of those people need to care to actually keep it maintained," Haworth said. More at https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/edmonton-river-valley-clean-up-effort-gaining-momentum-online-1.5988099


Proposed river footbridge would join Edmonton, Strathcona County
A footbridge that would connect Edmonton and Strathcona County is being proposed to improve access and connectivity towards a multi-use trail system. The project would create a river valley connection between the west side of the river at 167 Avenue to the east side at Township Road 540.

The general location was recommended after a feasibility study was completed in January of 2020. The city says Indigenous Nations and surrounding communities were engaged at the early stages to share insights and concerns about the proposed site.

The city is offering an online survey to provide feedback on the site of the proposed footbridge and additional amenities. The survey closes on April 29. Take the survey at https://www.edmonton.ca/projects_plans/roads/edmonton-strathcona-county-footbridge.aspx?utm_source=virtualaddress&utm_campaign=edmontonstrathconafootbridge


Alcohol at picnic sites in seven river valley parks proposed
On April 28, Community and Public Services Committee will decide whether to approve a pilot program to allow the consumption of alcohol in seven river valley parks from May 28 until October 11, 2021. The selected parks include Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Whitemud, William Hawrelak, Government House, Victoria, Gold Bar, and Rundle.

Between February 22 and March 7, 2021, Administration conducted an online survey seeking the level of support for a pilot project to allow alcohol consumption in designated picnic areas in City parks. In total, 15,554 responses were received with 71 per cent supporting the plan.

Key concerns from respondents were ensuring noise and litter issues are well managed, designated areas are clearly signed with usage rules and regulations, proximity to washrooms and ensuring enforcement to avoid any disorderly behaviours.

You can read Administration’s report by clicking on Agenda 6.2 at https://pub-edmonton.escribemeetings.com/Meeting.aspx?Id=905401ef-d112-4041-bdb0-3280e03f57d4&Agenda=Agenda&lang=English&Item=24&Tab=attachments

If you wish to speak at Community and Public Services Committee on this issue, register with the City Clerk at 780.496.8178, city.clerk@edmonton.ca or in-person before the 9:30am meeting begins.


River valley concern or contribution
If you have a river valley concern or question, contact us at nsrivervalley@gmail.com
Your friends and neighbours can sign up for this newsletter on our web site.
If you have a photo, information, or event about Edmonton’s river valley and think it should be in this newsletter, email it to us.

Sincerely yours,
Harvey Voogd
North Saskatchewan River Valley Conservation Society